
I’m at home in Dayton Ohio. The weather’s getting colder, though it’s been unseasonably warm thus far.

At Work

I’m working remotely as a Software Engineer at Nearform (Formidable was acquired by NearForm over a year ago). We recently did a company offsite and it was nice meeting my coworkers in person for the first time. I’m continuing to work on codebase migrations for a major e-commerce site. I’ve done a lot of e-commerce work in the last few years and I can feel the momentum of that experience helping me today.

At Home

I cut my hair short after growing it out for 2 years. I had never grown it out before and I wanted to try it to see what it would look like. I documented the process and learned a lot but it feels good to be back to my classic look.

I’m still weightlifting. My bench press max has plateaued, sitting at 225 lbs for about six months now. I’m ok with it though. I’m mostly just focused on showing up twice a week and maintaining my strength.

Over the past year, I have been practicing a difficult piano arrangement and I finally got a chance to perform it in church. It went really well! I can get nervous when performing but I had a well-timed confidence boost which seemed to help a lot. I also appreciated Holly’s advice: “Just play it.”

I’ve had some recent bursts of productivity working on I built a bunch of advanced editing features that I’m proud of and I wrote a popular blog post about my experience getting the domain name. I enjoy the project because it sits at the intersection of a lot of my interests and I get to flex my frontend muscles.

This page was inspired by Derek Sivers and his /now page.

This page was last updated: Nov 2nd, 2024

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